I play the game with highest ATB (like I always do with Square games with ATB). Hunting Range Nu is a great place to farm TP early.) There are times I do a small grind (Tyranno Lair to get Ayla's Charm). I should mention that the game isn't grindy (except for the Hunting Range. I will be fighting my fights (I have to get levels somehow). The game also popularized New Game+ (it wasn't the first to use NG+. If you watched that one already, then you are not missing anything (except for maybe knowing what I'm doing, since I played the PSX version.) This is just another port of the SNES classic with stuff from the PSX version (anime cutscenes) and some additions when released on the DS, like 2 new dungeons (one is lame because it involves going up and down the same damn mountain and one is okay), a cleaner translation (it lacks "Good morning, Crono." D: Game is still awesome without it), a Monster Arena, and a new ending that I believe is canon (Chrono series is all over the place anyway). Sure, the site has Chrono Trigger, but it is the SNES version. Easily deduced within 3 or so hours into the game. Oh, and it also involves an outerspace porcupine who happens to the be the final boss. (who/what da frak is Square Enix?)Ī day at the fair = the greatest adventure ever! I felt that this game ended all too soon and needed a sequel terribly.One of Square's greatest creations. Otherwise, gameplay is pretty much the same as well as the story. I was thrilled when I saw this game re-released on the DS and immediately had to get it to try it! It basically is the very same to the original SNES version, only with a bunch of added in extras such as a music box, art and a few other things. The soundtracks for this game were really wonderful as well! There are so many of them too, and rarely will you ever see a song repeated in another location.

After the first half though, the story does begin to lack some, and your quest seems to be a bit aimless, but the gameplay is still spectacular so, what is there really to complain about? You get to travel through different time eras throughout the entire game, which also makes this game stand apart from all the others. Chrono Trigger was definitely an excellent choice! I had played all of the Final Fantasy games available on the SNES at the time of first playing Chrono Trigger and was looking for another RPG that I would enjoy just as much. The battles have the same wait/active meter that was uniquely belonging to Final Fantasy for a time, which make this game so much more enjoyable than most RPG's. I would equate this game to being very similar to the Final Fantasy series. This was one of the best RPG's that I have ever played, hands down!